- 15.10.2022
15.10.2022 - Prešov competition Obedience with test, KK Prešov 1, SK
- judge: Jozef Olearčin, SK
- steward: Stanislava Vitézová, SK
class OBB-B
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* – excellent, 201 points, 2nd place/4 dogs
- 24.09.2022
24.09.2022 - CACIB Jakabszállás, H
- judge: Judit Beke, H
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - very promising 1, Best Minor Puppy in minor puppy class
♥ Arco fulfilled all the conditions for awarding the title "Hungarian Grand Champion - HGCh"
♥ Tori fulfilled all the conditions for awarding the title "Hungarian Minor Puppy Grand Winner - HMPGW"
- 03-04.09.2022
03.09.2022 - CACIB Hajdúdorog, H
- judge: Galyna Kalinichenko, UA
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - very promising 1 in minor puppy class
04.09.2022 - CACIB Hajdúdorog, H
- judge: Dr.Balogh Zsuzsanna, H
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - very promising 1, Best Minor Puppy in minor puppy class
- 30.08.2022
Amber - accepted the title "Polish Champion - PLCh" - Congrats!
- 14.08.2022
14.08.2022 - 34. National Dog Show (CAC) - Gorlice (O/Nowy Sącz), PL
- judge: Paweł Osak, PL
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, Best Dog, BOB in champion class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - very promising 1, Best Minor Puppy in minor puppy class
- 13.08.2022
13.08.2022 - 3. Hunting-dogs National Show (CAC) - Lutowiska (O/Przemyśl), PL
- judge: Vojislav Brajović, ME
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, Best Dog, BOB in champion class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - very promising 1 Best Minor Puppy, BOG Minor Puppy IV.
in minor puppy class
- 09.07.2022
09.07.2022 - XXVII.Krajowa wystawa psów rasowych, Nowy Targ, PL
- judge: Ina Małecka, PL
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, Best Dog, BOB in champion class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, CAC, Best Bitch, BOS in champion class
♥ Amber fulfilled all the conditions for the title "Polish Champion - PLCh"
- 21.05.2022
21.05.2022 - Obedience test-IGBH-1, KK Košická Polianka, SK
- judge: Ján Sudimák, SK
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* – passed (72 points)
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* – passed (74 points)
♥ Corey and Arco successfully passed Obedience test - IGBH-1
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