- 03-04.12.2016
03.12.2016 - WINNER SHOW - (CACIB), Nitra, SK - judge: Linda Voláriková, SK
Emma – excellent 1, CAC in intermediate class
Amber – excellent 2, res.CAC in open class
Finnie – excellent 3 in champion class
04.12.2016 - SLOVAKIA CUP - (CACIB), Nitra, SK - judge: Lenka Frnčová, CZ
Arco – excellent 1, CAC in intermediate class
Emma – very good 2 in intermediate class
Amber – excellent 2, res.CAC in open class
Finnie – excellent 2, res.CAC, res.CACIB in champion class
- 02.12.2016
Special Show of Retrievers, Pezinok, SK - judge: MVDr.Gabriela Ridarčíková, SK
Arco – excellent 2, res.CAC in intermediate class
Emma – excellent 1, CAC in intermediate class
Amber – excellent 1, CAC in open class
Finnie – excellent 2, res.CAC in champion class
- 10.11.2016
Tollador's Artful Fox - *Asti*, son of our Finnie, has become a stud dog!!
- 25.10.2016
Tollador's Ace of Base, our *Arco*, has become a stud dog!!
- 20-23.10.2016
"Víkenďák - výcvikové stretnutie" - Rokytno, CZ
V dňoch 20.-23.10.2016 sme sa zúčastnili opäť úžasného "Víkenďáku - výcvikového stretnutia" - v Rokytne. Bol to fantasticky strávený predĺžený víkend v krásnom prostredí Vysočiny s mojimi chlpáčmi Emmou a Arcom a množstvom príjemných a milých ľudí. Opať ďakujeme, Martin, za super tréningy a množstvo rád, ktoré sme od Teba dostali. Počasie, ako vždy, bolo "vybavené" :-) Tešíme sa na ďalšie stretnutie.
- 27.09.2016
We received the genetic results of our A-litter - puppies-girls of Finnie.
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber*
(Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings x Dancing With Fire Paco Del Vecchio Mulino)
Juvenile Addison's Disease (JADD) - N/N - Probable Normal
Cleft Palate (CP1) - N/A - Carrier
Cleft Lip/Palate Syndactyly (CLPS) - Normal/Clear
DTR BUFF - Normal/Clear
Tollador's April Chase - *Emma*
(Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings x Dancing With Fire Paco Del Vecchio Mulino)
Juvenile Addison's Disease (JADD) - N/N - Probable Normal
Cleft Palate (CP1) - N/N - Normal/Clear
Cleft Lip/Palate Syndactyly (CLPS) - Normal/Clear
DTR BUFF - Normal/Clear
- 22-25.09.2016
From 22nd until 25th of September, 2016, we joined with Arco (Tollador's Ace of Base) and Amber (Tollador's Amber Sunrise) amazing
Training camp for dogs in Pístina in Czech Republic which was organized by Training school Viribus. This camp was focused on training each discipline
for Ability test OVVR. During whole time we had beautiful weather and dogs were training with so much enthusiasm. We met many kind and nice people. We also participated in
not oficial dog show with the judge Ing.F.Kordom, where he checked really closely each dog, measured the height, also counted teeth and checked them.
I am really glad, that he chose Amber as the most beautiful dog from all breeds and dogs which were there. At the end we took place in the Ability test OVVR with our Arco,
which he passed excellently. So here are our results:
- Arco - height 50 cm, fullteeth, standard
- Amber - height 46 cm, fullteeth, standard
(judged by Mr.Ing.F.Korda-consultant for breeding for NSDTR in KCHLS CZ)
25.09.2016 - OVVR (Ability test for retrievers), Pístina, CZ
- judge: Mgr.J.Bicková,PhD., CZ
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - passed / 177 points (smell 4, shooting 4)
He fulfilled the last requirement for becoming a stud dog.
- 16-17.09.2016
16.09.2016 - CACIB Kecskemét, H - judge: Dr.Tesics György, H
Arco – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in intermediate class
Emma – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in intermediate class
17.09.2016 - CACIB Kecskemét, H - judge: Attila Czeglédi, H
Arco – excellent 1 in intermediate class
Emma – excellent 1 in intermediate class
- 11.09.2016
CAC Salgótarján, H - judge: Kardos Vilmos, H
Emma – excellent 1, CAC, BOB in intermediate class
- 27.08.2016
CAC Gostynin, PL - judge: Leszek Siejkowski, PL
Arco – excellent 1, CAC, Best Dog, BOB, BOG 4 in intermediate class
Amber – excellent 2 in intermediate class
Asti – excellent 1, CAJC, Best Junior in junior class
♥ This time we went to a trip to Poland where we joined national dog show in the city of Gostynin with our two tollers, Arco and Amber. Besides this, we had a chance to meet with other son of Finnie, Asti. Arco received very nice award in intermediate class, excellent 1, Best Dog, BOB and BOG 4! Amber received excellent 2 and Asti received excellent 1, CAJC, Best Junior. Congratulations!
- 06-07.08.2016
06.08.2016 - CACIB Békéscsaba, H - judge: Dr.Marta Šipoš, SRB
Arco – excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in intermediate class
Emma – excellent 1, CAJC
Amber – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in intermediate class
07.08.2016 - CACIB Békéscsaba, H - judge: Alessandro Zeppi, I
Arco – excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in intermediate class
Emma – excellent 1, CAJC
Amber – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in intermediate class
♥ Emma became "Hungarian Junior Champion - HJCH"
- 23.07.2016
CACIB Debrecen, H - judge: Linda Voláriková, SK
Emma – excellent 1, CAJC
Amber – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in intermediate class
- 02-03.07.2016
02.07.2016 - CAC Veľká Ida, SK - judge: Viera Vítková, SK
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC, BOB v triede šampiónov
03.07.2016 - CACIB Veľká Ida, SK - judge: Jaroslav Matyáš, SK
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
- 14-15.05.2016
14.05.2016 - CACIB Szilvásvárad, H - judge: Miguel Angel Martinez, AR
Arco – excellent 1, CAJC, BOS
Amber – excellent 1, CAJC
♥ Arco became "Hungarian Junior Champion - HJCH"
♥ Amber became "Hungarian Junior Champion - HJCH"
15.05.2016 - CACIB Szilvásvárad, H - judge: Desmond Manton, IRL
Arco – excellent 1, CAJC, BOS, qualification for Crufts 2017
Amber – excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ, qualification for Crufts 2017
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in working class
- 07-08.05.2016
07.05.2016 - National Dog Show, Lučenec, SK - judge: Weron Grzegorz, PL
Amber – excellent 1, CAJC
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC, Winner of Slovakia 2016, BOB in champion class
♥ Amber became "Slovak Junior Champion - SKJCH"
♥ Finnie became "Slovak Show Champion - SKSHCH"
08.05.2016 - CACIB Lučenec, SK - judge: Tibor Havelka, SK
Amber – excellent 1, CAJC
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
- 24.04.2016
CACIB Debrecen, H - judge: Vig Orsolya, H
Arco – excellent 1, CAJC, BOS
Amber – excellent 1, CAJC, BOB
- 23.04.2016
Club Show of Retrievers - Kamenný mlyn, SK - judge: Emma Archibald, IRL
Arco – excellent 1, CAJC, KVM, BOJ
Amber – excellent 1, CAJC, KVM
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC in champion class
- 13.04.2016
- ♥ On the 13th of April, our Finnie celebrates her wonderful 4th birthday!!! We wish you, Finnie, good health, luck, joy and successes at dog shows but also at trials and exams in Obedience.
- 07.04.2016
We received the genetic results of our females.
Degenerative Encephalopathy - DEN :
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - Normal/Clear
Tollador's April Chase - *Emma* - Normal/Clear
Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings - *Finnie* - Normal/Clear
- 04.04.2016
On 4th of April our puppies Arco, Amber, Asti and Emmka celebrate their wonderful
1st birthday!!
Happy birthday!
- 04.04.2016
- ♥ At veterinary clinic we passed with our puppies (Arco, Amber and Emma) eye examination with results negative/clear and dental check, also all is OK!!
- 02-03.04.2016
02.04.2016 - Nitrawa Cup - (CACIB), Nitra, SK - judge: Igor Vyguzov, RU
Arco – excellent 1, CAJC
Amber – excellent 1, CAJC
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in champion class
♥ Arco became "Slovak Junior Champion - SKJCH"
03.04.2016 - Nitra Winner Show - (CACIB), Nitra, SK - judge: Opris Roxana Liliana, RO
Arco – excellent 1, CAJC
Emma – very good 1 in junior class
Finnie* – excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in champion class
- 01.04.2016
On 1st of April our Atrey (Atrey Joy in motion) celebrates his wonderful
9th birthday!! We wish you Happy Birthday, especially good health, joy and many more years into our nice moments together.
You are an amazing doggie. ♥ ♥ ♥
Happy Birthday ATREY!
- 15.03.2016
12.03.2016 - CACIB Pécs, H - judge: Dr.Vaczi-Balogh Zsuzsanna, H
Arco – excellent 1 in junior class
Amber – excellent 1, CAJC (HPJ)
13.03.2016 - CACIB Pécs, H - rozhodca: Dr.Roberto Schill, RO
Arco – excellent 1, CAJC (HPJ)
Emma – excellent 1 in junior class
- 08.03.2016
On 8th of March our Yaky (Tintagelwinds Yakety Yak) celebrates his wonderful
8th birthday!!
We wish you Happy Birthday, especially good health, joy and many more years into our nice moments together.
You are an amazing doggie. ♥ ♥ ♥
Happy Birthday YAKY!
- 23.02.2016
We received the genetic results of our A-litter - puppy of Finnie.
Tollador's Ace of Base - "Arco"
(Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings x Dancing With Fire Paco Del Vecchio Mulino)
Juvenile Addison's Disease (JADD) - N/N - Probable Normal
Cleft Palate (CP1) - N/N - Normal/Clear
Cleft Lip/Palate Syndactyly (CLPS) - Normal/Clear
DTR BUFF - Normal/Clear
- 16.02.2016
- ♥ We passed eye examination with our Finnie and the result is negative-clear!!
- 12.02.2016
We received the genetic result of our A-litter - puppy of Finnie.
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco*
(Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings x Dancing With Fire Paco Del Vecchio Mulino)
Degenerative Encephalopathy (DEN) - Normal/Clear
- 17.01.2016
16.01.2016 - New Year Show CACIB Nitra, SK - judge: Zdenka Jílková, CZ
Arco – excellent 1, CAJC
Amber – excellent 2 in junior class
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in champion class
17.01.2016 - Winter Show CACIB Nitra, SK - judge: Miroslav Stanovský, SK
Arco – excellent 1, CAJC
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class - back to top
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