- 07.12.2023
07.12.2023 - CACIB Nitradog, St.Nicolaus Cup, Nitra, SK
- judge: Soňa Heldová, SK
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in intermediate class
- 13.11.2023
Arco became "International Veteran Champion - C.I.B.-V" - Congratulations!
- 12.11.2023
12.11.2023 - Nosework - MA1, (4 Active Paws), Košice, SK
- judge: Lucia Šteinerová, SK
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* – passed
♥ Tori successfully passed her first Nosework Test - small areas - MA1
- 22.10.2023
22.10.2023 - Rally Obedience, ROB, ŠKK Canislog, SK
- judge: Mónika Szőcs, HU
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* – good (75 points)
♥ Arco successfully passed the Rally Obedience test - ROB
- 21.10.2023
21.10.2023 - Test BH-SK, KK Košická Polianka, SK
- judge: Miloš Götzmann, SK
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* – passed (35 points)
♥ Arco successfully passed the Companion Dog test with traffic safety BH-SK
- 13.10.2023
Tori became "International Junior Beauty Champion - C.I.B.-J" - Congratulations!
- 26.09.2023
Arco - became "Slovak Veteran Champion - SKVCH" - Congratulations!
♥ Tori - became "Slovak Junior Champion - SKJCH" - Congratulations!
- 16.09.2023
16.09.2023 - ŠVR Veľké Úľany, SK
- judge: Damir Vučić, HR
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, BOB-V in veteran class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, CAJC, KVM, JBOB in junior class
♥ Arco fulfilled all conditions for title "Slovak Veteran Champion - SKVCH"
♥ Tori fulfilled all conditions for title "Slovak Junior Champion - SKJCH"
- 09.09.2023
09.09.2023 - CACIB Przemyśl, PL
- judge: Katarzyna Gazda, PL
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, res.CACIB in intermediate class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, BEST Veteran, Best Veteran in Breed, CACIB-V in veteran class
♥ Amber fulfilled all conditions for title "International Veteran Champion - C.I.B.-V"
- 29.08.2023
29.08.2023 - Regional Dog Show Hencovce, SK
- judge: Zdenka Jílková, CZ
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, Winner of Class in veteran class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, Winner of Class, Regional Winner in intermediate class
- 06.08.2023
06.08.2023 - 36. National Dog Show (CAC) - Gorlice (O/Nowy Sącz), PL
- judge: Maciej Lipiec, PL
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, Best Bitch, BOB in intermediate class
- 30.06.-02.07.2023
30.06.2023 - CACIB Veľká Ida, SK
- judge: Tibor Havelka, SK
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CACIB-V in veteran class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in intermediate class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, CACIB-J, BOV in veteran class
♥ Arco fulfilled all conditions for title "International Veteran Champion - C.I.B.-V"
01.07.2023 - CACIB Veľká Ida, SK
- judge: Aleksander Skrzyński, PL
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CACIB-V, BOV in veteran class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1 in intermediate class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1 in veteran class
02.07.2023 - CACIB Veľká Ida, SK
- judge: Vladimír Piskay, SK
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - very good 1 in veteran class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1 in intermediate class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1 in veteran class
♥ Amber - became "Slovak Veteran Champion - SKVCh" - Congratulations!
- 03.06.2023
Tori - became "Hungarian Junior Champion - HJCH" - Congratulations!
- 27.05.2023
27.05.2023 - CAC Jászberény, HU
- judge: Judit Beke, HU
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, CAJC, BOB in junior class
♥ Tori fulfilled all conditions for title "Hungarian Junior Champion - HJCH"
- 16.05.2023
Corey - became "Slovak Grand Champion - SKGCh" - Congratulations!
- 13.-14.05.2023
13.05.2023 - CACIB Lučenec, SK
- judge: Jana Janek, SK
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, CAJC, CACIB-J, Best Junior, BOS in junior class
14.05.2023 - CACIB Lučenec, SK
- judge: Vig Orsolya, HU
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in champion class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, CAJC, CACIB-J, Best Junior, BOB in junior class
♥ Corey fulfilled all conditions for title "Slovak Grand Champion - SKGCh"
♥ Tori fulfilled all conditions for title "International Junior Beauty Champion - C.I.B.-J"
- 29.-30.04.2023
29.04.2023 - CACIB Miskolc Marathon, HU
- judge: Enrico Drudi, SM
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC-V, CACIB-V, Best Veteran, BOB in veteran class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, CAC-V, CACIB-V, BOS in veteran class
29.04.2023 - CAC Miskolc Marathon, HU
- judge: Oksana Sentimrei, UA
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC-V, Best Veteran, BOS in veteran class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, CAJC, Best Junior, BOB in junior class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, CAC-V v triede veteránov
30.04.2023 - CACIB Miskolc Marathon, HU
- judge: Olga Sinko-Kupriyanova, SI
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC-V, CACIB-V, BOS in veteran class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, CAJC, CACIB-J, Best Junior in junior class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, CAC-V, CACIB-V, BOB in veteran class
♥ Arcovi became "Hungarian Veteran Champion - HVCh"
♥ Amber became "Hungarian Veteran Champion - HVCh"
- 22.-23.04.2023
22.04.2023 - CAC Satu Mare, RO
- judge: Oksana Sentimrei, UA
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, Best Male, BOB in open class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC in champion class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, CAJC, Best Junior in junior class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, BOS in champion class
♥ Arco became "Romanian Champion - R-Ch"
♥ Ellie became "Romanian Champion - R-Ch"
22.04.2023 - CACIB Satu Mare, RO
- judge: Cristian Stavarache, RO
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC-V, CACIB-V in veteran class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, CAJC, CACIB-J, Best Junior in junior class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in champion class
♥ Coreymu became "Romanian Champion - R-Ch"
23.04.2023 - CAC Satu Mare, RO
- judge: Paroci Pal, RS
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC in champion class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC-V, Best Veteran, Best Male, BOB in veteran class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, CAJC, Best Junior in junior class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, BOS in champion class
♥ Arcovi became "Romanian Veteran Champion - R-Ch.V."
♥ Tori became "Romanian Junior Champion - R-J.Ch."
♥ Ellie became "Romanian Grand Champion - R-Ch.C.L."
23.04.2023 - CACIB Satu Mare, RO
- judge: dr.Roberto Schill, RO
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC-V, CACIB-V, Best Veterán in veteran class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1, CAJC, CACIB-J, BOS in junior class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB in champion class
♥ Corey became "Romanian Grand Champion - R-Ch.C.L."
- 03.04.2023
We have great news!!
We underwent X-ray exams of hips, elbows and shoulders with our puppy Tori.
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale (Cashels' Wild Card by Manitou x Monna Lisa from Cashel Vale)
HD A/A , ED 0/0, OCD negative!!
- 31.03.2023
At veterinary clinic we passed with our toller Tori
EESVO - eye examination with result:
negative - clear!!
- 17.02.2023
17.02.2023 - CACIB Nitra, SK
- judge: Vladimír Piskay, SK
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 3 in champion class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 1 in junior class
- 10.02.2023
10.02.2023 - MRVE Special CAC Show, Budapešť, H
- judge: MVDr.Gabriela Ridarčíková, SK
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, BOS in champion class
Just Chillin from Cashel Vale - *Tori* - excellent 2 in junior class
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