Archive  |
09-10.12.2017 |
09.12.2017 - CACIB WINNER SHOW Nitra, SK - judge: Daniela Radu, RO
Tollador's Clever Hunter - *Torin* - excellent 1 in junior class, (owner: Ivana Divékyová)
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAJC
♥ Arco - accomplished all condition for getting the title:
"Champion International d´Exposition - International Show Champion - C.I.E."
10.12.2017 - CACIB SLOVAKIA CUP Nitra, SK - judge: Otakar Vondrouš, CZ
Tollador's Clever Hunter - *Torin* - excellent 1, CAJC, (owner: Ivana Divékyová)
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in champion class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAJC
♥ **Photos**
03.12.2017 |
03.12.2017 - President Cup CACIB Show Budapest, H - judge: Dr.Vaczi-Balogh Zsuzsanna, H
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAJC, BOB
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC in working class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1 in junior class
Tollador's April Chase - *Emma* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB in champion class
♥ Arco - became "Hungarian Champion - HCH"
♥ **Photos**
04-05.11.2017 |
WT training and retrieving, Malá Ida, SK - trainer: Anastázia Guzanová, SK
I have attended weekend retrieving training WT in Malá Ida near Košice under the leadership of our trainer Stazka, from 4.-5.11.
On Saturday I trained with Amber in the beginner group. We trained retrieving with dummies and also retrieving after gunshot.
Then we moved to the lake Bukovec where the dogs were retrieving from water. Water was cold but the dogs didn't mind.
On Sunday I was training with Arco in advanced group. Training was focused on different exercises from WT - marking, handling, memory
or retrieving. We were working with the pheasants what was very interesting for dogs. Everything was trained with the gunshot.
Two days of very nice training which we enjoyed to the fullest, we have learnt a lot, we know where are our limits and what we need
to improve. We are already looking forward for another training with great trainer, friends and smart doggies.
♥ **Photos**
22.10.2017 |
Workshop of taking photos for beginners, Bankov, SK - lector: Mgr.Lucia Drietomská, SK
On Sunday, we attended one-day workshop of taking photos of dogs at Bankov near Kosice. The weather happily was on our side, it was very nice,
without rain. We have several "models" - dogs of different breeds who were taking several poses and thanks to them, we were able to make great photos
with the combination of very nice and colorful autumn nature. Great thanks to our lector and friend Lucia who prepared this workshop and
brought us to the magic of shooting photos. Arco and Amber joined this workshop.
♥ **Photos**
08.10.2017 |
08.10.2017 - Working trial-Autumn trial of retrievers, Gyňov, SK
- chief judge: Ing.Jozef Telepun, PhD., SK
- judge: Štefan Siksa, SK
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - II.price, 132 points
♥ It was long but successful day. We took part at Autumn trial of retrievers with my Arco in Gyňov near Košice.
Arco was working with great pleasure and drive. I am very thrilled about that and proud of him.
In a group of retrievers we were placed at 3rd place in 2nd price with 132 points.
We congratulate also other dogs to their nice results.
28.09.-1.10.2017 |
28.09.-1.10.2017 - Training stay Pístina, CZ
Tollador's Canadian Mayflower - *Cassie* - Ability test OVVR - passed
From 28th of September until 1st of October, 2017, we joined with Arco (Tollador's Ace of Base) and Amber (Tollador's Amber Sunrise)
Training camp for dogs in Pístina in Czech Republic which was organized by Training school Viribus. This camp was focused on training each
discipline for Ability test OVVR. During whole time we had beautiful weather and dogs were training with so much enthusiasm. We also met here our puppy - Cassie.
Cassie is a girl from our C litter - (Roy x Finnie) successfully passed the Ability test-OVVR at the age of nearly 7 months!
She was working very nicely. We congratulate little Cassie and her owner and wish her a lot of nice such successes.
Arco became a winner of a competition "1st Pístinsky srandamač" - where he successfully came with rolls
and bacon as aport :-). As a reward, afterwards he could have his "aport" :-).
Cassie also got into three best dogs.
♥ **Photos**
16-17.09.2017 |
16.09.2017 - CACIB NITRAWA CUP Nitra, SK - judge: De Santiago Rafael, PR
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - very promising 1 in puppy class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 2, res.CAC in champion class
17.09.2017 - CACIB WINNER SHOW, Nitra, SK - judge: De Cuyper-Boesmans Viviane, BE
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - very promising 1 in puppy class
♥ Tammy - accepted the title "Slovak Puppy Champion - SKPCH"
19-20.08.2017 |
19.08.2017 - CACIB DUODANUBE Bratislava, SK - judge: Di Carlo Riccardo, I
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - very promising 1 in minor puppy class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 2, res.CAC in champion class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - very promising 1 in minor puppy class
♥ Ellie - accepted the title "Slovak Puppy Champion - SKPCH"
20.08.2017 - CACIB DUODANUBE Bratislava, SK - judge: Miroslav Stanovský, SK
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - very promising 1 in minor puppy class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - very promising 1 in minor puppy class
♥ Corey - accepted the title "Slovak Puppy Champion - SKPCH"
♥ Arco - accepted the title "Slovenský Grand Champion - SKGCH"
♥ **Photos**
13.08.2017 |
13.08.2017 - CACIB Zakopane, PL - judge: Leszek Salamon, PL
Tollador's Ace of Base – excellent 1, CAC, Best Dog, CACIB, BOB in champion class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise – excellent 1, CAC, Best Bitch, CACIB, BOS in champion class
♥ Arco - accomplished all condition for getting the title "Polish Champion - PLCH"
♥ Amber - accomplished all condition for getting the title "International Show Champion - C.I.E."
04.08.2017 |
Tollador's April Chase, our Emma, has become a brood bitch!!
01-02.07.2017 |
01.07.2017 - CACIB Veľká Ida, SK - judge: Víg Orsolya, H
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - very promising 1 in minor puppy class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in champion class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - very promising 1 in minor puppy class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in open class
Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings - *Finnie* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
♥ Finnie - accepted the title "Champion of The Slovak Kennel Club - CHSKJ"
02.07.2017 - CACIB Veľká Ida, SK - judge: Judit Beke, H
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - very promising 1 in minor puppy class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in champion class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - very promising 1 in minor puppy class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in open class
♥ Amber - accepted the title "Slovak Champion - SKCH"
♥ **Photos**
25.06.2017 |
25.06.2017 - 50.Krajowa Wystawa Psów Rasowych, Przemyśl, PL - judge: Jan Ryk, PL
Tollador's Ace of Base – excellent 1, CAC, Best Dog, BOB in champion class
Tollador's April Chase – excellent 1, CAC, Best Bitch, BOS in champion class
Before the start of the final competitions, listings of catalog numbers were displayed and the prize winners were awarded.
We managed to win 1st place and it was - the 2-seater child bike trailer!!
19.06.2017 |
♥ We received the genetic results of our - Litter C - puppies of Finnie.
Degenerative Myelopathy - DM :
Tollador's Caper Hop - *Toby* - Normal/Clear
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - Normal/Clear
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - Normal/Clear
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - Normal/Clear
Maligne Hyperthermie - MH :
Tollador's Caper Hop - *Toby* - Normal/Clear
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - Normal/Clear
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - Normal/Clear
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - Normal/Clear
07.06.2017 |
♥ We received the genetic result of our - Litter C - puppies of Finnie.
D-locus (Dilute Coat Color) :
Tollador's Caper Hop - *Toby* - D/D
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - D/D
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - D/D
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - D/D
22.05.2017 |
♥At veterinary clinic we passed with our tollers (Finnie, Arco, Amber and Emma) eye examination with results
negative/clear!! |
08.05.2017 |
♥ New photos of our puppies at the age of nine weeks!!
**9th week**
06-07.05.2017 |
06.05.2017 - CACIB Lučenec, SK - judge: Miroslav Stanovský, SK
Tollador's Ace of Base – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in open class
Tollador's April Chase – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in open class
07.05.2017 - CACIB Lučenec, SK - judge: Kardos Vilmos, H
Tollador's Ace of Base – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in open class
Tollador's April Chase – excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in open class
♥ Arco - accepted the title "Slovak Champion - SKCH"
♥ Emma - accepted the title "Slovak Champion - SKCH"
30.04.2017 |
♥ New photos of our puppies at the age of eight weeks!!
**8th week**
24.04.2017 |
♥ New photos of our puppies at the age of seven weeks!!
**7th week**
16.04.2017 |
♥ New photos of our puppies at the age of six weeks!!
**6th week**
09.04.2017 |
♥ New photos of our puppies at the age of five weeks!!
**5th week**
We thank our friend Lucia Drietomská for these beautiful photos of our puppies - http://tarawillow-photo.eu/ .
04.04.2017 |
♥ On 4th of April our puppies from the litter "A" - Arco, Asti, Amber a Emma
celebrate their 2nd Birthday!!
We wish you much health, love and joy.
Happy Birthday!
02.04.2017 |
♥ New photos of our puppies at the age of four weeks!!
**4th week**
01.04.2017 |
♥ On 1st of April our Atrey (Atrey Joy in motion) celebrates his wonderful 10th Birthday!!
We wish you happy birthday, especially good health, joy and many more years into our nice moments together. You are a wonderful doggie. Happy Birthday ATREY!
26.03.2017 |
♥ New photos of our puppies at the age of three weeks!!
**3rd week**
19.03.2017 |
♥ New photos of our puppies at the age of two weeks!!
**2nd week**
03.03.2017 |
♥ On the 3rd of March 2017 puppies of Litter C in our kennel Tollador´s were born. We have 10 beautiful toller puppies, six boys and four girls,
after our Finnie from the connection of Dragonflame´s Spread Your Wings x Kasomor's Roy to Cashel Vale. The puppies are doing well, they eat well, sleep,
Finnie takes care exemplary and carefully about them.
You can find more information about our Litter C in a section **Puppies** .
♥ **Photos**
19.02.2017 |
National show of breeds, Slovak Winner, Bratislava, SK - judge: Ing.Róbert Kanás, SK
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* – excellent 1, CAC in intermediate class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* – excellent 1, CAC in open class
18.02.2017 |
Retriever and Waterdog Special CAC Show, Budapest, H - judge: Jef Verrees, BE
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* – excellent 1, CAC, BOB in intermediate class
26.01.2017 |
♥ Amazing news! We are announcing you with great pleasure that we are expecting puppies of our lovely Finnie at the beginning of March !!
Litter C :
Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings x Kasomor's Roy to Cashel Vale |
14-15.01.2017 |
14.01.2017 - CACIB New Year Show, Nitra, SK - judge: Eva Felszéghyová, SK
Tollador's Ace of Base – excellent 2 in intermediate class
15.01.2017 - CACIB Winter Show, Nitra, SK - judge: Claudia Berchtold, AT
Tollador's Ace of Base – excellent 2, res,CAC in intermediate class