Archive  |
07.12.2013 |
Dragonflame´s Spread Your Wings, our Finnie, has become a brood bitch!! |
07.12.2013 |
♥ Amazing health results of a son of our Atrey: Ayran Hafany
(Atrey Joy in motion x Fany Jorcanis) - HD A/A, ED 0/0, EIC - N/N |
01.12.2013 |
29.11.2013 – Special retriever show Nitra (SK) - judge: Natasa Davidovic (SRB)
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC in working class
"19 months, beautiful bitch, lovely head, good proportions, great front legs, excellent angulation, good neck, level topline,
lovely temperament, free movement, nicely presented"
Ayran Hafany, son of our Atrey - excellent 3 in junior class
Lola z Delvoja, daughter of our Atrey - excellent 3 in working class
30.11.2013 – DUOCACIB Nitra (SK) - judge: Nenad Davidovic (SRB)
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC in working class
"good condition, nice head, dark eyes, parallel pads in front, ellegant neck, strong topline, good angulation, good movement"
Ayran Hafany, son of our Atrey - excellent 3 in junior class
1.12.2013 – DUOCACIB Nitra (SK) - judge: Vladimír Piskay (SK)
Ayran Hafany, son of our Atrey - excellent 3 in junior class |
23.11.2013 |
1st round of League Obedience 2014 - Hrabušice-Podlesok, 23.11.2013
Judge: Dana Tóthová, Jozef Olearčin
Steward: Katarína Janovová
class OB 1
Finnie - very good, 219,75 points, 1st place /4 dogs, age 19 months
♥ After the successful season and final competition-Championship of SR in Obedience which took place in Lapas in September,
we have decided to proceed and start in higher class, compete in class OB 1 which is more difficult but at the same time more interesting challenge for us.
On Saturday 23.11. 1st competition of the League Obedience for year 2014 took place in Slovak Paradise, in beautiful surrounding of Ranch Kam Quarter Horses, Hrabušice-Podlesok.
It was our first hall competition, full of new sensations, smells, situations which were new for Finnie, she had never met with them before.
To my great surprise, Finnie perfectly managed those conditions, exercised with commitment, joy although it was our first start in class OB 1. Eventually we ended up at
beautiful first place with 219,75 points and grade very good, just a few points from excellent. At this competition
in addition to competition with Finnie, I was also stewarding classes OB Beginners, OB 3 and helping in class OB 2. We´d like to thank organizers for very well prepared competition,
pleasant atmosphere, hospitality where we´ll definitely come back next year.
We made a short video of out exercise which will be uploaded soon on Internet and youtube.
26.10.2013 |
CAC Salgótarján, H - judge: Kardos Vilmos, H
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC, BOB in champion class
19.10.2013 |
Competition in Obedience - Ostrava-Třebovice, CZ, 19.10.2013
Judge: Marie Vágenknechtová
Steward: Zuzana Krejčiříková
class OB Beginners
Finnie - very good, 207 points, 10th place (15 dogs)
19.10.2013 |
GRK Club Show Fehérvárcsurgó, H - judge: Dr.Szilágyi Judit, H
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC, Club Winner, BOB in champion class
13.10.2013 |
Working trial JSR - Hatalov, 13.10.2013
Lola z Delvoja (Atrey´s daughter) - 2nd price (135 p.) |
03.10.2013 |
♥ Finnie became Hungarian Champion. Congratulation! |
28.09.2013 |
XXI MWPR Wroclaw, PL - judge: Vladimír Piskay (SK)
Finnie – excellent 1, Junior Winner, Best Junior of Breed in junior class,
Finnie accomplished all condition for obtaining the title Polish Junior Champion!
21.09.2013 |
Working trial JSR - Gyňov, 21.9.2013
Head of test: Renáta Karolová
Judges: Jozef Naď, Marek Bokoč
Finnie - 3rd price (104 p.) |
07.09.2013 |
Championship of SR in Obedience 2013, international CACIOB competition with an exam - Malý Lapáš, 7.9.2013
Judges: Dana Tóthová, Ingrid Tkáčová
Steward: Ludevít Krampe
class OB Beginners
Finnie - excellent, 255 points, 1st place/12 dogs, Champion Obedience 2013, Winner of class OB Beginners,
Winner of League Obedience 2013, age 16 months
* Video * |
02.09.2013 |
Weekend training for hunting dogs - 29.-1.9.2013 village Rokytno, CZ
♥ During the days 29.-1.9. we took part in a hunting training in Czech republic, our neighbours in a lovely surroundings
near the village with Martin Luňák from dog kennel Nice Friend. There were around 20 retrievers: majority of them were like usually
labradors, then goldens, flats and our only toller. This time we took Yaky and also Finnie.
Dogs were divided into small groups consisting of four five dogs and trainings took place in the mornings and in the afternoons. First days we trained in the pond retrieving
dummys, ducks, sending back and to the sides. Then we trained on the field and in the forest marking, searching in the bush, sending to different sides
for dummys and ducks. In the evening there was a training of obedience for everybody what was excellent for the fact that dogs could learn how to work also in a big group,
with many disturbances.
We´d like to thank Martin and Lenka for very good and quality weekend, excellent training, professional access, we will gladly come here again
and gain new experiences in the field of hunting training.
* Video-Retrieving a duck *
* Video-Retrieving dummy * |
18.08.2013 |
KWPR Nowy Sącz, PL - judge: Bożena Banasiewicz (PL)
Finnie – excellent 1, Junior Winner, Best Junior of Breed in junior class |
29.07.2013 |
27.07.2013 – CACIB Debrecen (H) - judge: Dorothea Carrol (IRL)
Finnie – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in intermediate class
28.07.2013 – CACIB Debrecen (H) - judge: Linda Voláriková (SK)
Finnie - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in intermediate class |
13.07.2013 |
♥ On the 13th of July Jenny celebrated her wonderful 11th birthday!!!
We wish you good health, joy and many more years into our nice moments together. Happy Birthday Jennka! |
29.06.2013 |
3rd Round League Obedience - Mošovce, 29.06.2013
Judges: Pavel Tamáši, Ingrid Tkáčová
Steward: Veronika Uherčíková
class OB Beginners
Finnie - excellent, 242,5 points !!, 1st place/12 dogs, price for Youngest bitch, age
14 and half months, Price of club KŠKO for the year 2012 !!
♥ With Finnie we took part in another competition 3rd competition which is
included in League Obedience SR, which will end up with the 4th competition in September at Championship of Slovakia.
The competition took part in very nice complex ŠRZ Drienok in Mošovce on very nice meadow with the opportunity of accomodation and refreshment. Finnie had been unfortunately
injurned one day before competition and she had cut the paw. Despite that we went to a competition and fought for placement.
In cathegory OB Beginners were 12 dogs, so the competition was very difficult. Finnie showed herself very nicely, she carried out all exercises
as far as possible, with her typical smile and flavour to exercise.
There were two judges, at the end the average of points from both judges was made and the points were multiplied by the corresponding coefficient. We have achieved
the highest ever score 242.5, grade excellent and we were placed in a beautiful 1st place !!! We also received an award for
Youngest bitch who took part in competition, age 14 and half months. We received also Price of club KŠKO for the year 2012
for all our results which we have gained so far at dog show, exams and competitions with Atrey (Atrey Joy in motion),
Yaky (Tintagel Winds Yakety Yak) and Finnie (Dragonflame´s Spread Your Wings) !!!
We would also like to congratulate for the wonderful result of our friends, cotrainers from Košice, from the training school Podlesok, Danka, Lucka and Miška.
**Photos** |
02.06.2013 |
3rd Youth and Junior Championship of Czech republic - Česká Třebová, 02.06.2013
Judge: Markéta Píšová
Steward: Anna Janečková
class OB Beginner
Finnie - very good, 213,5 points, 3rd place/8 dogs!!
♥ This time we participated in obedience competition Youth and Junior Championship of Czech republic under 25ys which took place at beautiful
football stadion in a town Česká Třebová. Besides the competition in Obedience there were also competitions in IPO, Agility and Dogdancing.
Whole sport day was very well organized, beautiful area and pleasant atmosphere.
We competed in class OB Beginner where we got 213,5 points with a grade very good. In final evaluation we placed at wonderful
third place in cathegory OB Beginner/OB1 out of 8 dogs!!
**Photos** |
25.05.2013 |
Second round of Leauge Obedience - Turňa n/Bodvou, area Penzión Réva, 25.05.2013
Judge: Dana Tóthová
Steward: Lucia Bollová
class OB Beginner
Finnie - excellent, 225 points !!, 3rd place/10 dogs
♥ We participated in the second competition in Obedience but this time, in Slovakia, as one of four competitions of League Obedience in Slovakia.
Finnie once again showed herself as very smart young dog, she performed each exercise with great pleasure and speed. Eventually we got wonderful 225 points
with grade excellent and we placed on the 3rd place out of 10 dogs! Since last year I´ve started my observation in each classes at competitions in Obedience for obtaining
the judge´s qualification, to be able to judge at these competitions. This time I was observing the class OB1 and at the same time I was stewarding the classes
OB Beginner and OB 2.
* Video * |
19.05.2013 |
15.05.2013 – CACIB Budapest (H) - judge: Marja Talvitie (SF)
Finnie – excellent 2 in junior class
Svetová výstava psov
19.05.2013 – WDS Budapest (H) - judge: Ronald H. Menaker (US)
Finnie - excellent 1, HPJ, Junior World Winner 2013 in junior class
**Photos** |
11.05.2013 |
CACIB Košice - judge: Vladimír Piskay (SK)
Finnie – excellent 1, CAJC, BOB in junior class, Finnie accomplished all condition for obtaining the title
Slovak Junior Champion! In final competitions for Best junior bitch of a day Finnie was choosen from around 40 birches among 5 most beautiful.
Lola z Delvoja, daughter of our Atrey – excellent 1, CAJC in junior class at her first dog show.
**Photos** |
27.04.2013 |
27.4. CACIB Miskolc - judge: Kardos Vilmos (H)
Finnie – excellent 1, HPJ, BOB in junior class
27.4. CAC Miskolc - judge: Natasa Davidovic (SRB)
Finnie – excellent 1, HPJ, BOB, BOG 3 in junior class
28.4. CACIB Miskolc - judge: Erdös László (H)
Finnie – excellent 1, HPJ, BOB in junior class, Finnie accomplished all condition for obtaining the title
Hungarian Junior Champion!
**Photos** |
24.04.2013 |
♥ We have great news!! We underwent X-ray exams for joints with our Finnie
with a result HD A/A , ED 0/0. |
20.04.2013 |
Competiion in Mošnov CZ with Obedience exam
Judge: Lucie Gabrielová
Steward: Marta Fuglevičová
class OB Beginners
Finnie - excellent, 231 points !!, 6th place/12 dogs
♥ One week later after Finnie´s beautiful first birthday we went with her to nearby Czech republic
for competition in Obedience which took place in big and pleasant surrounding in a small village Mošnov. It was her first competition and exam
so far so we were very curious how it´s going to be. Finnie as usual practiced each exercise with great enthusiasm, joy and attention
which was seen at the final result. Always smiled and joyful doggie with very nice character, that´s our Finnie.
We received very good reviews from the judge, the steward, but also spectators, which pleased us enormously. We gained new experiences and advice
which moved us forward again, whether in the actual training, but also in competitions. Finnie received excellent with 231 points and great praise
for handling exercises and performance at such a young age, in which she is. We are very pleased that we were able to come right here on our first competition experience. We´ll be glad to come there back for next competition.
* Video * |
13.04.2013 |
♥ On the 13th of April our Finnie celebrates her wonderful 1st birthday!!!
A year has passed so fast since we brought a small redhead girl. You are an amazing girl, full of energy, joy, fearless, always joy for work and nice look in her eyes.
Our boys, Atrey and Yaky, are never bored with you, you can always get them on their four paws and call them to play. We wish you good health, joy and successes not only at dog shows but also
at working trials and exams in Obedience which we train for. Happy Birthday Finnie!
13.04.2013 |
13.02. CACIB Satu Mare - judge: Daniela Radu (RO)
Finnie – excellent 1 in junior class
14.04. CACIB-OPEN Satu Mare - judge: Kardos Vilmos (H)
Finnie – excellent 1, CAJC, Best Junior in junior class Finnie accomplished all condition for obtaining the title
Romanian Junior Champion!
01.04.2013 |
♥ On the 1st of April Atrey celebrated his wonderful 6th birthday!!!
We wish you good health, joy and many more years into our nice moments together. Happy Birthday Atreyko!
24.03.2013 |
♥ On Sunday we went together with our friends and their dogs out for a walk where we were training individual exercises for
breed exam for retrievers OVVR. We were training behavior after gunshot with calling which went great.
Then we were standing in one front and so as at the exam, we were trying the behavior of retriever towards other dogs. Heelwork where dogs
can´t go in front or behind but beside the leg of a handler. Then the next exercise was retrieving aports.
Dogs had absolutely no problem to find it and bring it back to the handler. We had a chance to spend pleasing afternoon,
dogs could have run and also trained.
**Photo** |
09.03.2013 |
XLI KWPR Jaroslaw, PL - judge: Jadwiga Konkiel (PL)
Finnie – excellent 1, Junior Winner, Best Junior of Breed in junior class, Finnie becames a candidate for the title
Polish Junior Champion!
08.03.2013 |
♥ On Friday 8th March our Yaky celebrated his 5th birthday.
We wish you good health, joy and many more years into our nice moments together. Happy Birthday Yaky!
02.03.2013 |
♥ We passed eye examination with our Atrey and the result is negative-clear !! |
01.03.2013 |
♥ We passed eye examination with our Finnie and the result is negative-clear !! |
24.02.2013 |
Club show of retrievers / DUOCACIB Nitra, SK - 22. - 24.02.2013
22.02. KVR Nitra - judge: Angela Hancock (IRL)
Finnie – excellent 1, CAJC, Club winner junior in junior class
Ayran Hafany, Atrey´s son - very promising 2 in puppy class
23.02. DUOCACIB Nitra - judge: Viera Vítková (SK)
Ayran Hafany, Atrey´s son - very promising in puppy class
24.02. DUOCACIB Nitra - judge: Opris Roxana Liliana (RO)
Finnie – excellent 1, CAJC in junior class Finnie becames a candidate for the title
Slovak Junior Champion!
♥ **Photos** |
19.01.2013 |
♥ We have new photos of our doggies which we took during our winter walk through snowy country.
Except for walking we trained retrieving dummies which was managed well by both boys and also by our little Finnie.
**Photos** |
14.01.2013 |
♥ We added new photos of Finnie who is already a big girl, she is nine months old!
♥ We took a new VIDEO where we summorize exercices which we´ve already learnt. We are preparing with Finnie for new season,
because we´d like to compete in Obedience in class OB beginners.
* Video * |