Archive  |
25.11.2011 |
♥ 25.11.2011 Atrey and Meggie´s children, puppies from Jorcanis kennel , celebrate their 1st birthday.
We´d like to wish all puppies much health, love and joy. We´d like to wish all owners of puppies a lot of patience, laught and pleasant moments into other days.
17.11.2011 |
Puppies´s meeting from Joy in motion kennel
♥ Breeders of our Atrey, Rasťo and Janka, organized a nice meeting of puppies from Joy in motion kennel near Košice.
There were ten dogs, young puppies but also adult dogs as Atrey´s mom Cloudine and her children, Atrey and his two sisters Avril and Aschley.
Dogs had a great time together, ran around and young ones could have learnt something new from older. We trained individual exercises which are needed
to pass the exam OVVR. We could have seen nice work and talents of retriever which were presented by our dogs during retrieving dummies.
We are very happy that we could have participated in this meeting, train and got to know new owners of puppies with whom we and Rasťo
could have shared our current experience with education and training of our retrievers.
♥ **Photos**
**Photos** |
07.11.2011 |
♥ Atrey - accepted the title "Champion International d´Exposition" -
International Show Champion. We congratulate! |
29.10.2011 |
Competition and exam for the Cup "Podlesok" in Obedience - Košice surroundings
Judge: Mgr.Tóthová Dana
Steward: (OB Beginners): Mária Hudáková, Ing.Martina Majerčáková
Steward: (OB 1): Karin Ďurčanská, Mária Hudáková
class OB Beginners
Yaky - 1st place 261,5 points, excellent
class OB 1
Atrey - 1st place 267,5 points, excellent
♥ This was our last Obedience competition in this season which took place
in Turňa nad Bodvou in the area of Pension Réva. This time it was very special day for me for several reasons.
The first one, really important, was that I brought also Yaky with me who competed in class OB Beginners for the very first time.
Our preparation with Yaky for one of the most difficult exam in obedience lasted only from the half of September
but we practiced hard so our trainings reflected in excellent results. Another reason was that I was able to steward class OB 1
because I have recently obtained a licence of a steward. This time we have entered the ring not only as handlers but also
as stewards together with other two stewards for class OB Beginners
and OB 1. Thanks to the diligence preparing everything went well. Altogether eight competitors joined this competition.
Four in class OB Beginners and four in class OB 1.
Yaky showed himself as a very clever dog who passed the examination for the first time of the high points, 261,5 points with mark
excellent and placed on the 1st place.
He worked out everything to its full potential and made everything taste as it should. With Atrey I competed again in class OB 1
where we achieved a high score 267,5 points with mark excellent and placed on 1st place. We fulfilled a condition to start
in more difficult class OB 2. In this beautiful and successful day I was very pleased with my boys and that our preparation wasnˇt useless but achieved results.
I´d also like to congratulate the other contestants to their successes and successfully managed exams.
♥ **Photos** |
16.10.2011 |
Weekend seminar and training with Martin and Táňa Incédi, CZ - Trusalová
♥ We attended a training and workshop of working tests for retrievers in Trusalová from 14th to 16th October.
According to the fact that I am fascinated by everything what has something in common with training, it doesn´t matter if it is
Obedience or training a dog for work, I was very pleased that I get a lot of new information which are useful for me and move me further
in what I like and I am dedicated to. We went there with our Yaky, who has surprised me by his skill and enthusiasm for work since his childhood.
The seminar started on Friday evening because of great interest. We learnt general information about using a retriever for work and also method of dog training from puppy to adult dog.
Trainings started the next day in the morning at seven, all dogs were sorted according to their skills and trained with Martin or Táňa, me and Yaky trained with Táňa.
Each pair trained with a trainer in a specific time. I had also the opportunity to monitor the work and method of training dogs in the highest class so I learned many new tricks.
Already in the first seconds after the onset of the training was Yaky commended for a very nice heelwalk, what is reflected in our preparation for obedience trials.
We started from the basic exercise, a simple aport, we carried out gradually more and more difficult exercises like retrievering through some obstacle,
or bringing dummies that were thrown on the opposite sides, and I had to show Yaky the right direction and sent him there. Finally, we tried searching in grass,
using a whistle, which is preparing for more complex exercises. Yaky was repeatedly commended that he is very handy and clever because he could have quickly
learnt new things that we had never done before, which made me very happy. On Sunday we continued in our training when we again widened scope of what we had practiced the day before.
This weekend I got a lot of new information, but mainly practical advice to the next training. We look forward to another opportunity to go to the seminar and training of working tests.
♥ **Photos** |
10.9.2011 |
Slovak Championship in Obedience 2011 - (3rd round of the League Obedience)
Referee: Ing.Tamáši Pavel
Steward: (OB Beginners,1,2,3): Bubáková Gabriela
class OB 1
Atrey - 6th place in class OB 1
Atrey - 2nd place in overall assessment of League Obedience 2011
♥ On Saturday Slovak Championship in Obedience 2011 was held in Malý Lapáš which we attended.
At the beginning it seemed that there would be few competitors but finally 16 handlers registered who competed for a title in four classes :
beginneres, OB 1, OB2, OB 3. Level of competition was high with international participation, all competitors were prepared well and so competition wasn´t missing.
Me and Atrey joined the class OB 1 where we were placed on sixth place. Points were counted in overall assessment of the League Obedience 2011.
We were placed on the second place after counting all points which we gained at all competitions in Obedience in 2011. This year we´ll participate one trial in Košice
and then we will start to prepare for a new season in the League Obedience which starts in 2012. We´d like to compete in class OB 2 according to new regulations passed by FCI.
I attended a seminar for stewards at this competition and after examination I received a license to perform a work of steward at competitions and trials in Obedience.
Obedience is a very nice sport when a dog and his handler have to be perfectly coordinated but what´s needing is everyday training but the result is worth it.
♥ **Photos** |
28.8.2011 |
♥ On Saturday we travelled to Poland to Bialystok where the international dog show was held on Sunday but we also took a tour around Poland.
The nearer to the sea we were, the flatter and without any hill the country was, everywhere around were marshes, lakes and on the ground sand instead of soil.
It may seem to you that Poland can´t surprise you but it´s not true. Beautiful repaired wide roads and paved pedestrian with railing in every village.
Exhibition was huge, several rings were in the building, rest of them were at the stadium. There were everything what exhibitors could wish to have.
There were also stands with refreshments and breeding supplies near this area. Atreyko was showed in champion class where he got excellent 3rd.
After the dog show ended we travelled home but we stayed for one night in a very nice complex of a park, a playing field, a lake, a small cottage and a big building “Zimna woda”.
In the evening we walked around the lake and trained obedience in front of the building.
In the morning we had a quick warm-up , half-hour-training of obedience which we enjoyed a lot because we don’t usually have so big and nice area for training at home.
After breakfast we got into a car and went to Slovakia. After long and tiring journey we happily arrived.
♥ **Photos**
21.8.2011 |
♥ On Sunday we had a small meeting with Atrey´s breeder Rasťo Mirgus and puppies from Joy in motion (we have Atrey from this kennel).
We went on a little trip where dogs could play, run around, where we could share experience with other owners of dogs. We were a really big group of people and dogs,
Rasťo and Natálka with his three bitches Cloudine, Avril, Daisy , we with dogs Atrey a Yaky and also a puppy from Atrey´s sister Avril,
Falco Flying with his owner, a dog from second litter of Atrey´s mother Cloudine, Dudley Do Right with his owner and a puppy from Daisy, a brown bitch
Eileen Hope with whole family. We were very pleased that Rasťo organized this meeting with many dogs
and we are already looking forward to another trip of puppies from kennel Joy in motion.
♥ **Photos**
| 16.8.2011 |
CACIB Zhemchuzhina Karpat (Uzhgorod) - judge: MVDr.Vladimír Piskay (SK)
Atrey - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB in champion class, he accomplished all requirements for obtaining the title International showing champion C.I.E..
Special show of hunting breeds CAC Uzhgorod - judge: Dr.Kelemen Atilla (RO) Ing.Lokodi Csaba Zsolt (RO)
Atrey - excellent 1, CAC, Best dog, BOB, BIS III in champion class
CACIB Zakarpatie (Uzhgorod) - judge: Tomasz Borkowski (PL)
Atrey - excellent 1, CAC in working class, he accomplished all requirements for obtaing the title Champion of Ukraine.
♥ Like last year, so this year we decided to go to Ukraine to the dog show. This time we signed up to three shows during one weekend,
2 x CACIB and Special show of hunting breeds – CAC UA.
The first one was Special show on Saturday morning where we won champion class and took CAC, Best dog and Best of breed BOB.
We waited for final competitions with other thirty hunting dogs so chances for getting first places were small but hope and
joy were greater when we stayed there only with five dogs and finally we were placed 3rd and took the title BIS III !!!
In the afternoon at the same day we participated in the second dog show where we could get the title CACIB which we needed for obtaining championship.
This time Atreyko also put a smile on my face. We got excellent 1 and titles CAC and CACIB in champion class and so we accomplished requirements
for obtaining the title International Showing champion C.I.E. !
The next day we showed in working classs with different competition. In spite of that fact, Atrey won 1st place with excellent 1 and the title CAC, so he became Champion of Ukraine.
This title and a certificate was given to him right at place. Atrey, congratulations !
During whole weekend weather was sunny, the exhibition took place in a nice park, we felt very well there, we met lots of friends from different countries
who we know from other dog shows, we had very nice accommodation from the last year and both of us, me and Atrey, enjoyed showing. Atrey showed very nice
and he immediately took judge by his pose, kind expression and good movement which could be showed in big showing areas.
We went home full of new experiences and happiness on Sunday afternoon and we were accompanied by good mood also when we had to wait for a long time at border crossing.
Customs looked like another exhibition of dogs because all dogs were out of cars and so customs officers could see the beauty and diversity of different breeds.
♥ **Photos**
23.07.2011 |
CACIB Veľká Ida - judge: Barbara Krumpak (SLO)
Atrey - excellent 3 in champion class
13.07.2011 |
♥ On 13th of July 2011 our Jenny
celebrated her wonderful 9th birthday!!! Happy Birthday, you´re our little sun.
03.07.2011 |
OVP Dvorianky - judge: Matyáš Jaroslav (SK)
Atrey - excellent 1, Class winner, Regional winner in champion class
22.06.2011 |
♥ We added a new section *About us* where you can gain more information about us,
our beginnings and what we are dedicated to.
18.06.2011 |
Second round of League Obedience 2011 - Turčianske Teplice
Referee: Ing.Tamáši Pavel
Steward (OB 1,3): Ludevít Krampe
Steward: (OB Beginners): Bubáková Gabriela
class OB 1
Atrey - 2nd place
♥ This is the first year that League Obedience is organized in Slovakia. It consists of three competitions
which end with Championship of Slovakia in Malý Lapáš in September. It´s true that preparation for this test is long and difficult but then it´s beautiul view
of the final exercise, the dog then carried out.
♥ 18 June we attended 2nd round of League Obedience in Turčianske Teplice.
We had looked forward to this competition because there aren´t enought opportunities when we have the challenge
of competing with other competitiors from Slovakia and outland. Me and Atrey started in class OB 1, we have successfully passed a test
and ended up on the second place. Our friends from Obedience school Podlesok were also here and I´d like to congratulate
them on the wonderful results.
♥ **Photos**
10.5.2011 |
♥ 10.5.2011 Atrey’s and Happy’s children, the puppies from litter K ,
celebrate their 1st birthday.
During that first year small and cute puppies became big and juvenile dogs, who always want to discover new things and who are always happy when they can do something wrong.
The nicest thing is that we cannot be angry at their nicely smiling mug and their continuously torque tails.
An intension with which they twist is directly proportional to the size of damage which was made.
All puppies we would like to wish good health, love, successes in exhibitions and trials and the least damage to their owners.
All owners of puppies, we would like to wish a lot of patience and joy in other moments with their pets and always smiling face
with the sight at the mischief.
10.05.2011 |
♥ We got new photos of Iasmine Jorcanis, a daughter of our Atrey.
07.05.2011 |
OVVR - Breeding trial for retrievers (Ability test) - Bernolákovo
Referee: MVDr. Dušan Valenta
Ivana Tormová
Yaky - 178 points, I.price
♥ On Saturday 7th May we with our Yaky attended breeding trial, which took place in
Bernolákovo close to Bratislava. Weather was really good, it was hot and nice. All dogs
worked with great pleasure. I liked the sourrounding where the test took place very much
especially a pond where dogs were tested in retrieving apports from deep water. During break
when the judgments were written into pedigrees, the dogs had a great fun in water and they
exhausted all energy reserves so during whole way to Košice Yaky was sleeping. We´d like
to congratulate to others who attended this trial with us, and to thank for pleasant atmosphere of this day.
♥ **Photos**
30.04.2011 |
First round of League Obedience 2011 - Malý Lapáš
Referee: Ing.Tamáši Pavel
Steward (OB Beginners,1,2): Ing.Tkáčová Ingrid
Steward: (OB 3): Bubáková Gabriela
class OB 1
Atrey - 3rd place
♥ April 30, me and Atrey attended First round of League Obedience,
which took place in Malý Lapáš near Nitra in training center Z Polytanu. It´s huge complex consisting of a ranch, hotel,
stables for horses, cows, goats and other animals and also a large grassy section intended for dog training. Environment and atmosphere were unique, and we
felt comfortable here like in one big family. The competition was well organized, the winners obtained nice awards and I
gained lots of new experience which are really important for my further competition in Obedience. We went to this contest also with our friends from “the east“ who are preparing
for this race with us.
♥ **Photos**
17.04.2011 |
♥ On Sunday afternoon we decided to change place for training together with our trainer Mrs. Tóthová
and we trained all exercises which are necessary for the exam Obedience at the new training ground in Kežmarok,
me with Atrey and she with her german sheperd Ginna. It was a pleasant change and we had also chance to try
how dogs handle training after a long journey by car. The weather was beautiful and dogs did it perfectly. We thank for this
possibility to try unknown field, thanks to which we have again new experience.
♥ **Photos**
♥ On Saturday, 16th April, we went to the meadow in Košice where we were training individual
exercises for the exam Obedience. Atrey is improving every day and which makes me very happy is that we both enjoy it.
♥ **Photos**
01.04.2011 |
♥ 1.4.2011 our Atrey
celebrated his 4th birthday.
Atrey, thank you for all beautiful moments which we have had, for smile, which you can always give me,
simply for the fact that YOU ARE ! You are very brave doggy always willing to learn new exercises, tricks and stunts,
thank you that you have brought me deeper into the world of kynology.
Every your expression and body language is well known to me, you will have forever special place in my heart.
Happy birthday, Atrey !
21.03.2011 |
♥ 21.3.2011 Atrey and Aischa´s children, puppies from litter B , celebrate their 2nd birthday.
We´d like to you wish all puppies much health, love and joy. We´d like to wish all owners of puppies a lot of patience, laught and pleasant moments into other days.
08.03.2011 |
♥ 8.3.2011 our Yaky
celebrated his wonderful 3rd birthday.
Thank You for all perfect moments, joy, which you bring to each new day, and for that, that you are irreplaceable buddy
of our Atrey. Happy Birthday, Yaky !
03.03.2011 |
♥ During these spring holidays we often went to the countryside on small tours with our dogs.
We took some photos which are added in the section Gallery. |
20.02.2011 |
CACIB Rzeszów - judge: Pogodina Victoriya (UA)
Atrey - excellent 4 in champion class in competition 11 dogs |
14.02.2010 |
CACIB Prešov - judge: Wieremiejczyk-Wierzchowska (PL)
Atrey - excellent 2, res.CAC in champion class in the competition 5 dogs
Brick Sun Island - excellent 2, res.CAC in intermediate class
♥ From 18 to 20 February the second international dog show took place in Košice in eastern Slovakia.
At this exhibition Atrey´s son, Brick, had his premiere and he was awarded excellent 2nd, res. CAC. We congratulate to Brick and his owners and we wish them
many beautiful experiences and successes at dog shows. Atrey was awarded excellent 2nd and won res. CAC in competition 5 dogs in champion class. |
19.02.2011 |
♥ An announcement: - Website Kennel Joy in motion, from which Atrey came, has already been updated :
11.02.2011 |
♥ Atrey - accepted the title "Internationaler Schönheits-Champion" -
Interchampion. We congratulate! |
08.02.2011 |
♥ We received photos of Isabelle Jorcanis, Atrey´s daughter, from her new home.
♥ We received photos of Iron Jorcanis, Atrey´s son, from his new home.
03.02.2011 |
♥ We received photos of Isher Jorcanis, Atrey´s son, from his new home.
05.01.2011 |
♥ We received photos of Iasmine Jorcanis, Atrey´s daughter, from her new home.
05.01.2011 |
♥ During these winter holidays we often straddle a walk with our dogs to fresh air in a beautiful snowy landscape.
We made some videos of retrieving dummy and also of one excercise, which is a part of
Obedience exam. These videos are added in section Video and photos from our trips are added in section
Gallery. |