www.labradordog.sk    Last update:   14.01.2025      
slovak english 

1.litter | 2.litter | 3.litter | 4.litter | 5.litter | 6.litter | 7.litter

" B " - litter of kennel SUN ISLAND, but breeder is Mrs Mária Výrostková.
The puppies were born on 21.3.2009.

** 6 yellow boys, 2 yellow girls and 1 black boy **

Aischa Sun Island
ICh MultiCh Atrey Joy in motion

HD A/A, ED 0/0,
Optigen A,
EIC - N/N, HMLR - N/N,
very good,

Ing. Peter Výrostko, Košice-Myslava
t.č.: +421 902 529 383
e-mail: maria.vyrostkova@gmail.com

HD A/A, ED 0/0, PRA/CAT neg.,
Optigen A, NARC test Normal,
Inherited RD/OSD Normal,
EIC - N/N, HMLR - N/N,
full teeth
OVVR I.c., JSMP I.c., OB Z, OB 1
Canistherapy exam

All puppies have Optigen A, EIC - N/N and HMLR - N/N by parentage !

        We are very happy that all puppies went to good families. We wish owners and puppies especially much health, pleasure and many beautiful experiences during whole life. Thanks for the photos, which you sent us and also in future you´ll send, perhaps even some information.

   Photos of puppies:
 Barkley Sun Island* www * owner Dušan Darovec, Bratislava
 Barney Sun Island  owner Peter Žucha, Nové Mesto n/Váhom
 Beryll Sun Island  owner Iveta Kvitkovičová, Košice
 Bianca Sun Island  owner Andrea Valčišová, Košice
 Blake Sun Island  owner Zuzana Olexová, Košice
 Bonney Sun Island  owner Ľuboslav Mikolaj, Valaliky
 Breton Sun Island  owner Anna Tóthová, Sečovce
 Brick Sun Island  owner Zuzana Záraská, Košice
 Bryan Sun Island  owner Ing. Peter Výrostko, Košice-Myslava

**First day**   **5.week**
**1.week**   **6.week**
**2.week**   **7.week**
**3.week**   **8.week**
**4.week**   **Together**

   Pedigree of puppies: