- Archive
- 08-09.12.2018
08.12.2018 - CACIB Nitra, SK - judge: Ing.Róbert Kanás, SK
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in intermediate class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1 v strednej triede
09.12.2018 - CACIB Nitra, SK - judge: Alenka Pokorn, SI
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in intermediate class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in open class
- 01.12.2018
01.12.2018 - Canistherapy test, Brno, CZ
- assessor: Martin Luňák (Therapy dog, CZ)
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - passed / 98 points
♥ Corey succesfully passed canistherapy exam in ČR and he became Canistherapy dog.
Corey passed all conditions needed for becoming a stud dog!
- 15.11.2018
Emma - accepted the title "Champion International d´Exposition" -
International Show Champion - C.I.E.. Congrats!
- 27.10.2018
27.10.2018 - Test BH-VT, KK Anička Košice, SK - judge: MVDr.Pavol Marton, SK
Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings - *Finnie* – good, passed (52 points)
♥ Finnie successfully passed the Companion Dog test with traffic safety BH-VT.
- 12-14.10.2018
We joined weekend's training camp "OVVR RUSAVA 12.-14.10.2018" in Rusava, CZ.
I'd like to thank everybody for great weekend, amazing friendly atmosphere, for the trainings and for many funny moments we had there.
On Sunday, we with our Tammy successfully passed the exam OVVR. Ruby and Flash, Tammy's siblings who live in Czech republic, also joined the exam. They both passed it while Ruby with full points!
14.10.2018 - OVVR (Ability test of retrievers), Rusava, CZ
- judge: Soňa Sehnalíková, Zuzana Chrobáková, CZ
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - passed / 212 points
Tollador's Crystal River - *Ruby* - passed / 232 points (full points) - (owner Lenka Jaskowiecová)
Tollador's Copper Flash - *Flash* - passed / 206 points - (owner Kristína Nováková)
Congratulation and at the same time I'd like to thank you for devoting yourselves to your dogs.
Tammy passed all conditions needed for becoming a stud dog!
- 18-19.08.2018
18.08.2018 - DUOCACIB Bratislava, SK - judge: Kupferberg Zvi, ISR
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in intermediate class
♥ Corey became "Slovak Junior Champion - SKJCH"
19.08.2018 - DUOCACIB Bratislava, SK - judge: Otakar Vondrouš, CZ
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in intermediate class
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in open class
- 11.08.2018
11.08.2018 - 1.Krajowa Wystawa Psów Myśliwskich, Lutowiska, PL
- judge: Izabela Krasowska-Salamon, PL
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, CAC, Best Bitch, BOB, BOG III. in champion class
- 29.07.2018
29.07.2018 - CACIB Zakopane, PL - judge: Dorota Witkowska, PL
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS v intermediate triede
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in open class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB v intermediate triede
Tollador's April Chase - *Emma* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
♥ Emma fulfilled all conditions for title "Polish Champion - PLCH"
- 21.07.2018
21.07.2018 - CAC Debrecen, H - judge: Paróczi Pál, SRB
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, BOS in intermediate class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC in intermediate class
Tollador's April Chase - *Emma* - excellent 1, CAC, BOB in champion class
21.07.2018 - CACIB Night Show, Debrecen, H - judge: Judit Beke, H
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB (CACIB) in intermediate class
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC in open class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in champion class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC in intermediate class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in open class
Tollador's April Chase - *Emma* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
♥ Arco fulfilled all conditions for title "Hungarian Show Champion - HSCH"
- 14-15.07.2018
14.07.2018 - XXIII.Krajowa wystawa psów rasowych, Nowy Targ, PL
- judge: Jaroslav Matyáš, SK, Leszek Salamon, PL
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, Best Dog, BOS in intermediate class
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC in open class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC in intermediate class
Tollador's April Chase - *Emma* - excellent 1, CAC, Best Bitch, BOB, BOG IV. in champion class
15.07.2018 - XXIV.Krajowa wystawa psów rasowych, Nowy Targ, PL
- judge: Leszek Salomon, PL
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, Best Dog, BOB in intermediate class
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC in open class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC in intermediate class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, CAC, Best Bitch, BOS in champion class
- 02-08.07.2018
We have attended "Weekly hunting training with the possibility of passing OVVR" in Velke Meziříčí (CZ) from 2nd to 8th of July 2018. I have trained with my 2 dogs, Arco and Tammy.
Both worked very nice during whole time, they learnt many new things. We met again many friendly people. Again, I'd like to thank for the perfect training and
bunch of tips which we got. Weather was, as usual, very nice, food just fantastic. At the last day, we passed with Arco another exam OVVR. He made great joy, I am very proud at him.
I'd like to congratulate also to other dogs to their successes.
08.07.2018 - OVVR (Ability test for retrievers), Velké Meziříčí, CZ
- judge: Jiří Jelínek, CZ
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - passed / 216 points (smell 4, aport from wather with duck)
- 01.07.2018
01.07.2018 - Canistherapy test, Velké Meziříčí, CZ
- assessors: Bc.Kateřina Pernická, Martin Luňák (Therapy dog, CZ)
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - passed / 86 points
♥ Arco succesfully passed canistherapy exam in ČR and he became Canistherapy dog.
- 27.06.2018
Arco - accepted the title "Champion International d´Exposition" -
International Show Champion - C.I.E.. Congrats!
- 23-24.06.2018
23.06.2018 - Grand Prix Budapest, H - judge: Dr.Jakkel Tamás, H
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in intermediate class
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in open class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in intermediate class
24.06.2018 - Grand Prix Budapešť, H - judge: Dr.Balogh Zsuzsanna, H
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in intermediate class
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1 in open class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in intermediate class
- 17.06.2018
17.06.2018 - CAC Nyíregyháza, H - judge: Szabó Sándor, H
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, BOB in intermediate class
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC in open class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, BOS in intermediate class
- 20.05.2018
20.05.2018 - Spring Obedience race, Košice, SK
- judge: MUDr.Karin Ďurčanská, SK
- steward: Lucia Bollová, SK
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - 3rd place, unofficial class OB0
♥ We took part in the Spring Obedience race in Košice on Sunday.
We were placed on the 3rd place out from 7 dogs in unofficial class OB0. Amberka pleased me very much, she worked with joy and enthusiasm. I'm very excited of her ♥.
This race is unique for us, because we have organized them for already fourth year. At the same time it was even more difficult for me, cause I also participated as competitor in unofficial class OB0, I stewarded at official class OB Beginners and I was main organizer of the race. The invitation for stewarding was accepted by our successful steward Ludevít Krampe who stewarded at class OB3, we thank him very much for that! It was a long day but successful for many competitors, weather was nice, it was a nice sunny day. Altogether there were 24 competitors in different classes: unofficial class OB0 and official classes OB Beginners-OB3, also from foreign countries - Czech and Hungary.
We'd like to congratulate all dogs and their handlers to their successes, mainly to those who passed the exam.
- 19.05.2018
19.05.2018 - CAC Club Show MRVE Szilvásvárad, H - judge: Linda Voláriková, SK
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAJC, Best Junior (Junior Club Winner)
- 18.05.2018
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber*, our *Amber*, has become a brood bitch!!
- 12-13.05.2018
12.05.2018 - CACIB Lučenec, SK - judge: Judit Beke, H
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1,CAJC, BOB
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB in champion class
13.05.2018 - CACIB Lučenec, SK - judge: MVDr.Gabriela Ridarčíková, SK
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1,CAJC, BOB
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB in champion class
- 28.04.2018
28.04.2018 - Test BH-SK (Companion dog test with the behavior test), Košice, SK
- head of test: Vladislav Machút, SK
- judge: MVDr.Pavol Marton, SK
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - good/passed, 40 points
♥ I took part in the BH-SK (Companion dog test with the behavior test). The organizer was canine club KK Anička in Košice. Even though we had a very warm day all day, we managed to pass both parts of the exam. I'm very pleased and proud of her. We received grade good with the score of 40 points.
Congratulations also to other dogs to their successes.
- 13.04.2018
Friday, April 13th - it is the day when Finnie (Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings) was born.
- parents of Finnie - (Hummelviksgårdens Eliska x Dragonflame´s Great Red Sky)
Today she celebrates her wonderful 6th Birthday ♥.
Finnie, we wish you much health, love and joy with us ♥ ♥ ♥ .
Congratulations also to all your siblings! Thank you Sanna Pilvinen for this amazing girl ♥.
- 13.04.2018
- ♥ At veterinary clinic we passed with our tollers (Arco, Amber, Emma and Finnie) eye examination with results negative/clear!!
- 04.04.2018
On 4th of April our puppies from litter "A" :
Arco, Amber, Asti and Emma celebrate their 3rd Birthday!!
Parents of puppies are Paco x Finnie - (Dancing With Fire Paco del Vecchio Mulino x Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings)
We wish you much health, love and joy and lots of show and sport successes. ♥ ♥ ♥
- 29.03.2018
We got great news!!
Tollador's Clever Hunter - *Torin* - HD A/A , ED 0/0, eyes negative/clear
- 25.03.2018
25.03.2018 - CAC Salgótarján, H - judge: Kardos Vilmos, H
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAJC, BOS
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAJC, Best Junior, BOB
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, CAC in champion class
♥ Tammy accomplished all condition for getting the title: "Hungarian Junior Champion - HJCH"
- 17-18.03.2018
17.03.2018 - CAC Zolotoj Fazan, Užhorod, UA - judge: Dušan Paunović, RS
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAJC, Best Junior, BOS
Tollador's April Chase - *Emma* - excellent 1, CAC, BOB in champion class
17.03.2018 - CACIB Zhemchuzhina Karpat, Užhorod, UA - judge: Yuri Gergeľ, UA
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAJC, BOS
Tollador's April Chase - *Emma* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
18.03.2018 - CACIB Zakarpatie, Užhorod, UA - judge: László Erdös, H
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAJC, BOS
Tollador's April Chase - *Emma* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
♥ Tammy became "Junior Champion of Ukraine - JCHUA"
♥ Emma accomplished all condition for getting the title:
"Champion International d´Exposition - International Show Champion - C.I.E."
- 09.03.2018
We have great news!!
We underwent X-ray exams for joints with our puppies with results:
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - HD A/A , ED 0/0
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - HD A/A , ED 0/0
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - HD A/A , ED 0/0
- 08.03.2018
On 8th of March our Yaky (Tintagelwinds Yakety Yak) celebrates his wonderful
10th birthday!!
We wish you Happy Birthday, especially good health, joy and many more years into our nice moments together.
You are an amazing doggie. ♥ ♥ ♥
Happy Birthday YAKY!
- 05.03.2018
- ♥ At veterinary clinic we passed with our tollers (Ellie, Corey and Tammy) eye examination with results negative/clear!!
- 03.03.2018
On 3rd of March our puppies from litter "C" :
Maila, Torin, Ruby, Toby, Timy, Tammy, Corey, Ellie, Flash and Cassie celebrate their 1st Birthday!!
Parents of puppies are Roy x Finnie - (Kasomor's Roy to Cashel Vale x Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings)
We wish you much health, love and joy and lots of show and sport successes. ♥ ♥ ♥
- 01.03.2018
Amber - accepted the title "Champion International d´Exposition" -
International Show Champion - C.I.E.. Congrats!
- 15-18.02.2018
15.02.2018 - CACIB Winter Dog Show I. Budapešt, H - judge: Jos de Cuyper, B
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAJC, Best Junior
16.02.2018 - CACIB Winter Dog Show II. Budapešt, H - judge: William Rodriguez Umanha, CR
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAJC
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAJC, Best Junior
♥ Corey became "Hungarian Junior Champion - HJCH"
17.02.2018 - CACIB Winter Dog Show III. Budapešt, H - judge: Víg Orsolya, H
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAJC
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAJC, Best Junior
18.02.2018 - CACIB Winter Dog Show IV. Budapešt, H - judge: Anita Márkus, H
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAJC
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAJC, Best Junior
♥ Ellie became "Hungarian Junior Champion - HJCH"
- 10-11.02.2018
10.02.2018 - CACIB Nitradog Cup Nitra, SK - judge: Jana Janek, SK
Tollador's Clever Hunter - *Torin* - excellent 1, CAJC, (owner: Ivana Divékyová)
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 2 in junior class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAJC, BOS
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
11.02.2018 - CACIB Winter Show Nitra, SK - judge: Viera Vítková, SK
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1 in junior class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1 in champion class
♥ Ellie became "Slovak Junior Champion - SKJCH" - back to top
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