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1.11.2008 - CACIB Nitra - judge: Elena Ruskovaara (FIN)
Atrey - excellent in intermediate class
Yaky - very promising 4 in puppy class

2.11.2008 - Special Nitra - judge: Richard James Keizer (GB)
Atrey - excellent 3 in intermediate class
Yaky - very promising 4 in puppy class


On Saturday morning we went with Atrey, Yaky and Jenny for a walk. The weather was very good, in the forest we felt like in the dream´s country because everywhere were the colourful leafage. We also made from our training two videos.



On Saturday morning we and Yaky attended the working day of retrievers in Gyňov near Košice. In the morning the weather was fairly well, dogs were aporting the dummies and pheasants and we learnt many new informations about training the dogs. In the afternoon it started raining so we only drank the tees and ate the frankfurters. When it didn´t stop raining we left Gyňov with the words "maybe future the weather will be nicer".


Canistherapy exam - Košice, ZŠ L.Novomeského
Examinators: Jarmila Virágová (ÚNSS), Monika Dančová (Eurocanis),
                      Mgr.Dana Tóthová (U.V.P.)

Atrey - Canistherapy dog (181 bodov)

At the same day Atrey and Jenny attended the Canistherapy exam in Košice. Our Jenny was commended for her absolutely no conflicting temperament but she is timid and she didn´t like some disciplines so she didn´t finish the exam. Atrey was commended for his good obedience, he worked disciplinaly and with the great joy. He passed the exam with 181 points and he became Canistherapy dog.

Atrey´s sister Avril Lavin Joy in motion also took part in the Canistherapy exam. She passed the exam and she also became the canistherapy dog. We congratulate.


Working trial - JSMP - 28.09.2008, PZ Tomášovce
Judges: Ján Plenta, MVDr.Dušan Antalík, Peter Antalík
AtreyI.price (223 bodov)

We trained very carefully for the exam and our almost daily wake up early morning for training gave us good result. The morning trainings also took part Rasťo (breeder of our Atrey) with Avril. Atrey´s and Avril´s training together helped them to motivate each other. Suddenly was Sunday that we expected. The weather was beautiful, the day we spent with good friends in pleasing atmosphere. Our dogs worked perfectly what reflected in the results of trial. I would like to congratulate to success of all participants.



CAC Ózd - judge: Paróczi Pál (SRB)
Atrey - excellent 1, CAC in intermediate class
Yaky - very promising 1 in puppy class

Atrey received excellent 1 and CAC in intermediate class, which is his second title CAC in Hungary. Yaky was showed in puppy class in competition with dog, who was 8 moths old. Although Yaky was smaller and younger finally the referee awarded him very promising 1. We had a big joy.


CAC Kecskemét - judge: Olga Kuprianova (RUS)
Atrey - excellent 1, CAC in intermediate class
Yaky - very promising 1, BIS Baby 2

Yaky was showed on this dog show last time in baby class, because on next day he was 6 months old. After we took part in final competition BIS Baby where he received BIS Baby 2.



In days 24. 8. - 31. 8. 2008 we went with Atrey and Yaky to Holiday with retriever. Yaky trained to trial OVVR. He was very clever and adroit and he also aported a duck from lake, which brought me to hand. I trained with Atrey to working trial JSMP and we trained only with the duck, rabbit and pheasant. Atrey found the pheasant, but he didn´t want to take it to his jaws, he is scrumptious. On next day it was better, because he brought me the pheasant, rabbit and duck too.



Atrey - has accomplish all the necessary requirements for the Stud, and on 14.8.2008 he was proclaimed as seaworthy for breeding and he became a pure breed dog.


We got to know very sad message from France.
8. 8. 2008 Yaky´s great grandfather and Atrey´s great great grandfather died.

ICH Multi CH & Trialer FOULBY TITTLE TATTLE, World Champion ´96

We got to know very sad message from England.
23. 7. 2008 Yaky´s mother died.



We just found out the fantastic news, we got the result of tests from America and Atrey has OptiGen Normal / Clear (A), NARC test Normal, Inherited RD/OSD Normal !


21. - 28.07.2008 we were on holiday in Croatia with our pets, Atrey and Yaky. The first days the weather wasn´t good but fortunately at the end of our holiday the weather was better and we also saw the sun. Atrey swam in the sea and he didn´t forget to taste the salt water. Yaky acquainted himself with the water for the first time.


During our holiday we took part in four night dog shows in Split:

24.07.2008 - CAC Split - judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Atrey - very good in junior class, in this class wasn´t "excellent"
Yaky - very promising 1

25.07.2008 - CACIB Split - judge: Kenneth Edh (S)
Atrey - very good in junior class
Yaky - very promising 1

26.07.2008 - CAC Split - judge: Per Iversen (N)
Atrey - excellent 1 in junior class
Yaky - very promising 1

27.07.2008 - CACIB Split - judge: Andrew Brace (UK)
Atrey - very good in junior class, in this class wasn´t "excellent"
Yaky - very promising 1


CACIB Szombathely - judge: Rino Rosciarelli (I)
Atrey - excellent 1, CAC
Yaky - very promising 1

We've taken part in the exhibition because we enjoyed pretty much last year in the same exhibition. The advantage for exhibitors was the big three tends built on the exhibition space for protect the exhibitors of hot weather.

Atrey has received price excellent and tittle CAC in the intermediate class, what is his first this title.

Yaky has received price very promising, so we also took part in the final competition BIS Baby , where he was chosen within the first five the most beautiful puppies of the exhibition.



CAC Košice - judge: Jaroslav Matyáš (SK)
Atrey - excellent 2, res.CAC
Yaky - very promising 2, BIS Baby

This dog show took place in very hot weather in Košice in Barca. Atrey has received exc.2, res. CAC in intermediate class. This was the Yaky´s first dog show. He showed with huge pleasure. He has received very promising 2 in class baby. After we took part in the final competition BIS Baby. There were more than 40 puppies and Yaky was winner and he has received BIS Baby. We was very lucky because in these final competitions usually had won smaller breeds or other breeds not labradors.


On this day we celebrated all because it was Jenny's 6th birthday. The boys, Atrey and Yaky, brought her pleasure and dog´s delicacy from dog show. Jenny, we congratulate to you on your birthday once more.


8.6.2008 - KVR Nitra - judge: Susanna Wiles (GB)
Atrey - excellent 4

Atrey in competition of 12 dogs has received excellent 4 in class junior so he accomplished the requirements for stud dog. In this class were given only 5 "excelent".

7.6.2008 - CACIB Nitra - judge: Laurent Pichard (CH)
Atrey - excellent 2

Atrey in competition of 6 dogs has received excellent 2.


Atrey successfully passed the trial for stud OVVR (Ability test) in I. price (188 points) in Veľká nad Ipľom.



Atrey - HD A/A , ED 0/0


The black dog Tintagel Winds Yakety Yak have come to our family. Dear Kira Leith-Ross, thank you very much for the beautiful puppy again.



27.4.2008 - CACIB Miskolc - judge: Marianne Gyarfás (HU)
Atrey - excellent 4

26.4.2008 - CACIB Miskolc - judge: András Korózs (HU)
Atrey - exvellent 2

Atrey in competition of 7 dogs has received excellent 2.

My mother, Cloudine Queen of Hunting Ground, received excellent 1, CAC and she finished her Hungarian champion. We congratulate.


20.4.2008 - CACIB Satu Mare - judge: Emeric Bogdan (RO)
Atrey - V1, RPJ, Best junior, he became candidate for Romanian champion of youth.

19.4.2008 - CACIB Satu Mare - judge: Attila Kelemen (RO)
Atrey - excellent 2


1.4.2008 our Atrey celebrated his wonderful 1st birthday. We congratulate him and all his siblings. We wish them much health, love and many successes on the dog shows and working trials.


CAC Kalocsa - judge: Attila Czeglédi (HU)
Atrey - excellent 2

This dog show took place in the nice green park with beautiful sun shining. Atrey in competition of 7 dogs has received excellent 2.



CAC Nitra - judge: Kiss Zoltán (HU)

My mother Cloudine Queen of HuntingGround received excellent 1, CAC and she accomplished all requirements for conferment the title Slovak champion of beauty. We congratulate.


Thursday was a beautiful day and we went out with Atrey and Jenny. Cloudine, Daisy and Avril went with us to a cottage Klatovianka.
